Denver Competitive Kickball Fall 2024 Draft League Kickball (Outdoor) · Co-Ed Competitive
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Fast Pitch, Balls/Strikes, Bunting, 10 Defensive players (6 males max on field)
- Free Agent Fees
- Early Bird $60.00
- Regular $65.00
- Late $70.00
Note: Location will be Ray Ross. Will be Monday
What is the DRAFT league? You register as a free agent. Captains meet up and draft registered players, teams are announced, that is your team for the season. You're welcome! Beer does not play a part in the word DRAFT, as we say it, but you are welcome to consume as you see fit.
Competitive Draft League will utilize a modified circuit (365) ruleset. *Change of rules that involve player eligibility, roster limitations, or unique features to the field. A modified ruleset will be developed prior to league start. Basic game play will remain the same.
Want to get paid?
Volunteer to ref HOME plate or 1st base and we will pay you to do so. Refs are selected from volunteer pool after draft. No guarantees to be selected but you will be considered. Refs are expected to be fair and balanced. We are all adults.
Professional level photographer? Let's talk
Know how to edit videos? Let's talk
Announcements & Messages